Sunday 23 March 2014

Eagles drop first two games to Gatineau

Another playoffs, another blowout. 2 seasons ago the Screaming Eagles got hammered by the Saint John Sea Dogs, and it looks very similar this year.

The Screaming Eagles dropped their first two playoff games on the road, 7-2 and 8-2 respectively.

In the first game, Simon Tardif-Richard potted a hat trick. In game 2, Emile Poirier scored a hat trick as well.

Alex Bureau started both games and has let in 11 goals on 49 shots collectively. Backup Zach Fortin has let in all together, 4 goals on 12 shots.

As for injuries, Justin Hache was hospitalized in game one and missed game two after a dirty hit near the end of the game. Jason Bell is also still out.

The Eagles play at home this Tuesday and Wednesday, and if the win a game in the series, this Friday.

Game One game review here
Game Two game review here
(Both articles written by Jeremy Fraser)

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